learn fire-eating and breathing
from Lior littman
April 16th-17th
We were always taught to stay away from fire – because no one knew just how much fun it is to play with it 😉
This is your chance to learn the secrets behind fire- on Lior Littman’s famous workshops!
Imagine that you were able to:

Breath massive amounts of fire from your mouth without dying! (Yeah – I chose my words carefully)

I am revealing all of the above (and more) In my fire workshops!
From health and safety – to techniques and performing tips – we cover it all.
I will teach you how to steal all of the audience’s attention and be granted well deserved applause!
Lior’s workshops are limited to a handful of participants – In order to keep all the safety standards and making sure everyone gets personal guidance and most value.
details about upcoming
Fire Workshops!

How to eat and breath fire

and stay alive to tell about it

But one thing is for sure! At the end of it- you will have all the tools
and knowledge so you can play with fire safely and incorporate it
in your show in the most pure and safe way possible!
No Fire experience necessary!
The workshop is suited for performers who are looking to add more spice and fire to their shows! Whether it’s a magic show – a circus act and even if you already have fire in your show and you want to take it to the next level! After all- every show need a grand finale! And every grand finale is greater when you add fire to it!


Health and Safety
playing with fire.

Fire eating and breathing

How to set ourselves and others on fire
What are the secrets for
playing with huge flames
in a safe way?
a HOT experience
Jan becker – a best selling author and hypnosis master,
learned fire-eating
photos from lior’s past workshops
amanda grant from cirque du soleil
went to lior’s workshop
here is her experience:
some of lior’s students
Rhianah Harleigh D’Angelo
Natalie Lahey
Yael Di
Lior breaks down the tricks and manoeuvres to their most basic form with an incredible amount of dedication, in a way that helps me perform them correctly and with ease.
I recommend Lior to any artist and performer who want to hone in their craft, elevate their stage presence and commit to improving in the same level of dedication and professionalism as Lior.”
This is your opportunity to join Lior’s Mini Masterclass.
Lior’s fire-eating workshop will take place in LA on April 16th.
A 5 hour Journey that will teach you everything you need to know in order to Add fire-eating to your list of skills – by the end of it!
In the workshop – we start with a safety lecture – where you will understand the ins and outs of how fire works and how to analyze the risks and be ready to deal with anything that might go wrong.
Then we will go into the science behind fire and how to use it to our advantage -and for our audience entertainment.
During the workshop each and every one of you will get one on one attention from Lior – to insure you feel 100% confident and safe when first learning and practicing. – even if you only light fire on birthday cakes – you will get the opportunity to overcome fears and get your fire journey to begin – the right way.
If you have experience with fire and no fear – you will get deeper knowledge and understanding of how to take your skills to the next level!
In the Mini Masterclass – you not only learn tricks – you will learn the principles behind how a professional fire eater thinks – and how to progress to advanced tricks safely and develop your own style and show.
On April 17th – we will learn the art of Fire-Breathing.
Starting with a long safety lecture that will guarantee you know everything you need to be aware of in order to do if safely and successfully. followed by a water practice to make sure you get the technique down before proceeding with actual fuel – and even then – we will start without fire – only after you will go through the entire process – you will start breathing fire and become a real life DRAGON!
Remember – fire breathing is a death defying stunt and is very dangerous- you are risking your life when doing it – and should be aware of it when attending the class – that is why the SAFETY is the biggest part of the workshop.
Most people pay Lior up to 1200$ to learn Fire from him .
But YOU have the chance to sign up now to his Upcoming Workshops –
On April 16th -17th – where the price is only 349$ per day.
with an early bird price of- for a limited time – ONLY 199$
and if you take both workshops in early bird price – you will only pay 378$!
Early bird Prices end on April 10th! – then they go up to 349$ a day
*Payment plan options are available – contact Lior now for details (No extra fees or interest- Crazy right?)
Click the button to reserve your spot NOW!
Due to covid Torches will not be provided during the workshop – we recommend you bring your own or contact Lior to purchase a pair of professional fire eating torches.
Payment plan options are available as well – Contact Lior now to get help regarding that (no special fees or interest )
Got any questions?
Or leave your message here below!
Lior will get back to you asap!