Fire Eating Workshops-WORLDWIDE!

We were always taught to stay away from fire – because no one knew just how much fun it is to play with it 😉

This is your chance to learn the secrets behind fire-eating – on Lior Littman’s famous workshops! 

Imagine that you were able to:

Extinguish a burning torch with your bare hands without getting burned

Extinguish a torch with nothing but your mouth (that’s right!) and then light a second torch like a human dragon!
Eating fire in the most extraordinary way that will leave your audience cheering over and over again!
Manipulate flames like the greatest fire wizards and dragons!

I am revealing all of the above (and more) In my fire workshops!

From health and safety – to techniques and performing tips – we cover it all.

I will teach you how to steal all of the audience’s attention and be granted well deserved applause!

Lior’s workshops are limited to a handful of participants – In order to keep all the safety standards and making sure everyone gets personal guidance and most value.

Contact us now for more
details about upcoming
Fire Workshops!

In the workshop we will learn all the guidelines and principles to play safely with fire – without dying!
How to eat Fire

How to touch an open flame
and stay alive to tell about it

And most important – how to create a magical experience to your audience

We will learn professional secrets for health and safety – so you’ll be able to eat fire on the same day. How cool is that? 

You will be able to perform the tricks we learn, guaranteed.

The workshop is built from a number of lessons. and has limited spots for health and safety reasons.
But one thing is for sure! At the end of it- you will have all the tools
and knowledge so you can play with fire safely and incorporate it
in your show in the most pure and safe way possible!

No Fire experience necessary!

The workshop is suited for performers who are looking to add more spice and fire to their shows! Whether it’s a magic show – a circus act and even if you already have fire in your show and you want to take it to the next level! After all- every show need a grand finale! And every grand finale is greater when you add fire to it!

And besides that- You need zero experience with fire to join- the workshop is for anyone looking to add real magic to their lives! As the Fire added to mine!



 Vixen devile

an award-winning international Variety Burlesque performer took lior’s workshop!



Three main parts to the workshop:

Health and Safety

how not to die when
playing with fire.

Fire eating

in depth lesson with all the techniques and guidelines that will let us bend fire like the greatest fire wizards and dragons around the world.

How to set ourselves and others on fire

without getting burned
What are the secrets for
playing with huge flames
in a safe way?
So spoil yourself in
a HOT experience





 photos from lior’s past workshops

amanda grant from cirque du soleil 


went to lior’s workshop

here is her experience: 

some of lior’s students

Rhianah Harleigh D’Angelo

“I met Lior at LA Burn Club & he taught me fire eating skills that helped launch my fire eating career as a performer. I had a solid understanding of basic fire eating tricks, but Lior taught me all the ins & outs of fire eating & fire safety. Learning from Lior was one of the most positive, fun, & empowering experiences I’ve had in my entire LIFE.”

Natalie Lahey

“I would not be where I am today in my fire eating journey if it weren’t for Lior!! He is so incredibly skilled at what he does, both in his own craft and in his teaching. Lior is one of the best fire performers I know and is an even better an instructor. Learning from him is an amazing experience!”

Yael Di

“I wanted to deepen my fire eating knowledge with a private lesson . As a performer – I loved the emphasis on showmanship and the attention to detail in every step.
Lior breaks down the tricks and manoeuvres to their most basic form with an incredible amount of dedication, in a way that helps me perform them correctly and with ease.
I recommend Lior to any artist and performer who want to hone in their craft, elevate their stage presence and commit to improving in the same level of dedication and professionalism as Lior.”

Book an Amazing fire experience

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